Friday, March 26, 2010

Thank You, Alaska!

Thanks to the State of Alaska, I am attending the 13th National Public Library Conference in Portland, Oregon. Sweet! All expenses paid... allowing a newbie like me to have the time of my life with my fellow librarians across the country, not excluding those crazy Canadians. I've been here since early Monday morning with my husband, and have enjoyed myself every day. Preconferences here, Portland touristing there.

The conference is halfway over, but my blog has just begun. I will post about my experiences in the programs I have attended, as well as the sights I've seen and places I've eaten. There is so much swirling around me at this event that I can only offer a small glimpse into this incredible world of library gatherings. When I find tweets, blogs, and websites of relevance during this time, I will be sure and post them, as well.

For those of you who have had your own unique experience at PLA: share your stories and links! To those of you who are missing out for one reason or another.... I hope this offers just a taste (and temptation) of what is happening here. What a blast and life-impacting opportunity.

You can follow my tweets @click2carney. Those will be live tweets from the programs themselves. To find some handouts for various programs:

PLA Conference Session Handouts

Gotta run to my next session!